A DRUGGED up driver from Ardrossan was caught behind the wheel while more than NINE times the legal limit for cocaine.

Todd Campbell, 22, was banned from getting behind the wheel after pleading guilty to two charges.

The Sweeney Court resident had admitted being behind the wheel of a vehicle in Princes Street - only half a mile from his home address - while uninsured on July 29 last year.

Campbell, who was 21 at the time, also pleaded guilty to driving the vehicle while the proportion of benzoylecgonine - the main metabolite of cocaine - in his system measured 454 microgrammes per litre of blood.

The legal limit is 50 microgrammes.

At Kilmarnock Sheriff Court on September 7, Campbell was fined a total of £900.

He was also banned from holding or obtaining a licence for 12 months.